Welcome to T1D Abroad

- a website for diabetics on the move

If you are a diabeto like me and preparing to leave Sweden long-term, you probably have a lot of questions.

Rest assured, you are in the right place.

Most diabetics who have been abroad recognise the looming thoughts "Will this be enough insulin for the whole trip?", "What if I run out of X, Y, Z equipment?", and "What if the security personnel at the airport don't know what T1D is?". I am a Swede who have studied in Scotland for four years and one year in Paris. These and other trips around the world have taught me a thing or two, like how to speak to the airport security about my insulin pump (don't say the Spanish word for insulin pump at an airport..).

The intricacies of transitioning from one healthcare service to another was, however, something else.

When I started working on this website I was about to move to London to start my PhD. With a commitment of living outside of Sweden for more than a year, it meant giving up the Swedish healthcare system I know so well and deep-dive into one I know very little about.

As I have now gone through the process and made it out on the other side, I wish to shed light on what to do and not to do. Hopefully, this can help you make fewer mistakes than I did. That's my plan at least.

To provide unique insights into the poorly documented process of moving abroad with Type 1 Diabetes, with a specific focus on the UK.